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Join our
Apple Crew

Join our team

Why it’s great to be an apple crew team member?

We hire TEAM members. Thiessen’s is the “hardest” fun job you’ll ever have!

As an employee you interact directly with our guests who are looking for a fun place to visit with their family. They’ve planned their adventure, sometimes driven an hour or more, and are planning to spend their day with us. All they need is a little help.

It’s our job to make sure they get started exploring quickly and find the services they need throughout the day, and have fun throughout their visit.

We are the “party coordinators” for their visit to our farm.  All we have to do is take care of them with a smile.  Sound fun?

If this appeals to you, being an Apple Crew Member could be your next employment!

Why’s the job so great?

Every day is different.  The weather, the size of the crowds, apples that are available changes constantly.  We believe in cross-training every employee so you can have different jobs throughout the day… We like moving employees around to keep them fresh. We have many different areas at the farm that need your attention.

Sound like something you’d like to try?
Email to [email protected]